Zgubiono telefon komórkowy W dniu 21 marca został zgubiony telefon na ulicy Ogrodowej przez młodego człowieka z Ukrainy przebywającego u rodziny w Polsce. Telefon jest jego jedynym kontaktem z mamą i tatą którzy walczą na Ukrainie. Prośba znalazcę o kontakt pod numerem telefonu: 508 566 143.22-03-2022 13:26:31
Velva09:43, 08.09.2023
0 0
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Rodney23:18, 20.01.2024
0 0
My name is Irina. I am an expert in posting articles and texts on various websites.
Would you be interested in mutual cooperation? In fact, I have to propose you something but before starting working answer please this questionnaire in the link below: https://forms.gle/58NDRfrHg3RMdRcW7
It takes no more than 3 minutes but will clarify all the details of the project and accelerate each stage of your future partnership.
Thank you in advance for your time and I’m looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.
If you require any further information about the questionnaire or anything else, feel free to contact me.
Best regards, Irina
23:18, 20.01.2024
Karissa15:49, 17.05.2024
0 0
My name is Irina. I am an expert in posting articles and texts on various websites.
Would you be interested in mutual cooperation? In fact, I have to propose you something but before starting working answer please this questionnaire in the link below: https://forms.gle/58NDRfrHg3RMdRcW7
It takes no more than 3 minutes but will clarify all the details of the project and accelerate each stage of your future partnership.
Thank you in advance for your time and I’m looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.
If you require any further information about the questionnaire or anything else, feel free to contact me.
Best regards, Irina
15:49, 17.05.2024